Louise Targett started out as a retail trainer and manager in the 1990’s. She launched Target Training in 1999. After 20 years Louise stepped down as Director and Targetted RTO Solutions was born! Highly respected as an authority on business development, training and organisational turnaround, Louise has advised and trained frontline staff through to CEO’s.
As a professional, Louise has directly impacted the lives of thousands of business managers, business owners and employees throughout Australia, with her business development and training programs, and public speaking engagements.
Louise, a life-long student herself, now works with RTO owners and managers in the development of their Business Plans and Training and Assessment Strategies, additions to scope applications, RTO compliances including preparing for audits and validation of learning and assessment resources, amongst many other tasks. Louise has co-ordinated and orchestrated the registration of numerous RTO’s, change of ownerships, change of scope applications, accredited course registrations and Government funding tenders.
Her energy and passion for her work, coupled with her hands on experience, provides her with a leading edge in the Vocational Education and Training industry.
Louise has a Master in Education (Psychology), Graduate Certificate in Marketing, Diploma of Management, Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, and a Diploma of VET (Design and Development).
Why engage an RTO consultant?
Louise - YouTube Interviews